Why Contractors Should Avoid ‘Random Acts of Marketing’

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Why Contractors Should Avoid ‘Random Acts of Marketing’

Do you think about marketing when you have projects booked up for the new few weeks, or even months? If you’re like many remodelers, probably not!

But what happens when work starts to slow down and you don’t have enough new projects lined up to support your team?

Have you ever had a last-minute marketing idea you’ve thrown together for your business? Maybe you printed some flyers and distributed them around the area. Maybe you placed an ad in a local magazine to help “get your name out there.”

What results did it bring? It was probably disappointing!

If you’re working to generate a consistent flow of new project leads for your remodeling or construction company, then it will take much more than a “let’s try this-and-that” approach and just when work is slow!

What Counts As a Random Act of Marketing?

Do you know how your marketing speaks to your overall brand? Do you know how your current actions play into your long term business goals? Will the actions you’re taking today support where you want to see your construction company a year from now? Ten years?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you likely have some random acts of marketing on your hands.

These always seem like good ideas in the moment. You’ve just read about a remodeler who put together a YouTube video and went viral.

But how much business did it actually generate vs. views? What are the chances of making a video go viral (hint: about the same as winning the lottery).

A Consistent Marketing System Makes a Difference

Your brand is the story of your company. It makes it so that when people see your logo or hear the name of your company, they immediately recall all the little things they know about it. Branding builds your industry reputation and represents who you are.

Every time you do something for marketing, like make a post on Facebook, run an ad campaign on Google, send an email newsletter, or get a new 5-star review, you are building up the story of your company and creating your brand in people’s minds.

This is powerful.

It doesn’t happen by accident. And it doesn’t happen as a one-off event.

When you plan for the long term, you’re building your reputation and your personal connections. You’re creating a builder relationship that will last for the years to come. That needs to be built on something thoughtful and authentic. It has to be built through consistent and frequent messaging over time.

In today’s world, customers are hit with marketing messages everywhere they go. Whenever they hop on Facebook or Instagram, they see ads. When that message is personal, relevant, repeated, and speaks to their own needs, it feels more real to them. It connects in a way that a random message sent out to anyone doesn’t.

For example, which scenario do you think is more likely to become a new client:

  1. A 55-year-old mother of two who watches HGTV, loves Chip and Joanna Gaines, has a great income, and has been looking at ideas on Pinterest for a new kitchen renovation; vs.
  2. A 23-year-old guy who just graduated from college, is starting an entry-level job, and just moved into an apartment.

#1 of course! She is most certainly in your target demographic and has started looking around to get ideas of what her kitchen could be.

If she started seeing your ads every time she got on Instagram and Facebook, found your company when searching Google, read a couple of blog posts on your website, and downloaded a free checklist from your website on the Top 10 Trends in Kitchen Design for 2021, how likely do you think she would be to reach out and discuss her project with you?


Align Your Marketing With Your Company’s Goals

First, you have to set long term goals for your business. These need to be clearly made out so everyone on board knows where you want your business to be one, five, and even ten years from now.

Research the competition. Use this information to work on better defining your brand. What makes your company different from the rest? What do you really specialize in? Exactly who is your ideal client?

Take what you’re learned about your goals and your brand and build them into all of your marketing efforts. Adjust your copywriting so it adds personal touches to what your business is about.

Look at all of your marketing efforts and see how they play off each other. Is your messaging consistent across all marketing channels? Do you speak to people’s wants and dreams? Are you making an emotional connection?

Think about what your customers are hearing when they see you online. Does the experience make sense for them as they go through your funnel? If they find your website through a Google search, read a blog post, and then sign up for your newsletter, what story do they come away with about your company?

Ideally, as your customers experience your business, they should be getting the same message about your brand. They should know exactly who you are.

Make Regular Adjustments Based on the Data

As you look at your analytics for your website, social media, and elsewhere, take a look at what is working for your business. Are you on track to meet your long term goals?

If not, what adjustments can be made in your marketing efforts to better support getting there?

It’s never enough to do things today and hope for the best. Any marketing efforts you make are opportunities for you to gain analytics data, learn what works for your brand, and make adjustments to improve your results.

By making a regular practice of going over your marketing and making adjustments, you’ll get better returns for your marketing work.

Do you need more help marketing your remodeling business?

At Remodeler Marketing Team, we help remodelers actually implement a system that does all of this — without you having to manage it so you can focus on running your business. Schedule a call today to learn more!