Why Hire a Niche-Focused Marketing Agency?

Niche-focused marketing agencies can be an incredibly powerful tool when marketing within a specific industry. To successfully promote a product or service, you must thoroughly understand your market. Niche marketing agencies know the ins and outs of their specific product or service and continuously update their strategy based on industry trends.

Ultimately, marketing strategies can transfer from industry to industry, but having in-depth knowledge of a particular topic can help reach a target audience more directly. The marketing agency you choose to hire should have extensive experience in the industry you’re trying to market. Here are four great reasons why you should seek the help of a niche marketing agency that specializes in the contractor industry as opposed to a general marketing agency.

1. Niche Agencies are Better at Generating and Segmenting Traffic

Getting traffic to your website or social media pages is important, but it doesn’t always mean much if it’s not targeted. In this case, you want quality over quantity. A general marketing agency will know how to get you a lot of traffic, but a niche marketing agency knows how to get you traffic in the form of people who will take action because they are thoroughly interested in your specific product or service.

2. They Manage Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns More Effectively

Pay-per-click advertising strategies are used to drive more traffic to a website. When using them, you’ll pay a publisher each time your ad is clicked. Many businesses will direct those that click on their ad to the homepage of their website, but this is often not the best strategy. The homepage of your website may not be the best place for the visitors you’re attracting from your ad. Sending people to a specific landing page within your website allows you to qualify your new visitors in ways the homepage does not.

Landing pages within your website can help you speak more directly to a specific segment of people and allow you to promote more focused content, which is the thing that drives action. Because a niche marketing agency has years of experience in your industry, they’ll be able to easily craft landing pages to ensure you’re persuading your target audience to do what you want them to do.

3. They Know How to Increase Conversions

When considering traffic to your website, an average conversion rate is between 2 and 3 percent. A general marketing agency will likely spend most of their time and your money trying to increase traffic to your site, but it won’t improve your conversion rate that much. Instead, it’s more effective to have a marketing agency that will fine-tune your strategy and convert existing traffic into leads. This often requires someone with specific knowledge about your industry, and a niche marketing company typically has that. For instance, a niche agency with experience in the construction industry can use its extensive knowledge about a particular topic to craft great SEO strategies and marketing for contractors and construction companies. They thoroughly understand the industry and their expertise is driven by years of experience.

4. They Communicate with Your Target Audience Effectively

When you hire a company that knows your industry in and out, they’ll consistently be able to create better, more effective copy. For instance, selling a coat to someone who wants to wear it to be fashionable is done differently than how you would sell it to someone who wants to wear it just to keep warm. A general marketing agency could come up with generic copy for both instances, but a niche company that knows a lot about the coat, such as specific designer styles it mimics or characteristics that make it warmer than other coats on the market will be able to more effectively target a smaller audience by amplifying little details about the coat and using them to create an ad that resonates with people who are likely to take action.

While the cost to hire a niche marketing agency may be more than their generic counterparts, it’s often worth it in the end because they will not have to waste time and money learning the ins and outs of your industry. They’ll also be able to create the most effective content and strategies to get you the results you want.

At Contractor Marketing Agency, we have extensive experience helping remodelers and home services companies get found online, stand out from their competitors, and generate consistent leads for new projects. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business!